Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Half Year Point.

So a quick update on the goals that mentioned in my first blog post:

1) Grow a Garden - The garden is growing! In fact we need to get stakes for the tomatoes plants because they are growing so tall!
2) Get better at the piano - ....
3) Get fit and have fun! - This has been an up and down process but I think I've got into a rhythm now where I'm getting fit and having fun... mostly.
4) Grow my hair out - It is growing! Actually I've been noticing lately how long it has been getting. It's still short according to every hair standard but longer then what it was.
5) Go to BC, hopefully this summer! - We're going next week! Yay!

As you can see everything is going rather well except number 2. Now that I've got this all written out I see that I should really get on that...

Cheers! Here's to another 6 months!

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