Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Reflection.

I've thought about writing a thousand different entries. Ones describing how I'm feeling lately. Ones talking about how maybe I haven't been so faithful following the the list of things I want to accomplish. Ones talking about anything and everything, about growing up, insecurities and why sometimes I just don't want to write at all.

But I was looking at a friends blog the other day and it dawned on me: My blog doesn't have to be an account of things I do or don't do. It can just be about me, the things I love and those things I don't like very much. Her blog was centered around photography because that is who she is. So, I've decided to think differently about blogging and why I'm even throwing my thoughts into cyberspace at all.

I love music. I know a lot of people love music but music is more then just words and melodies. It's the way God and I communicate. So despite what you might think about music (categories, labels, etc.) I see God in most every song.

And how good is Adele? Kudos must go to her new CD. I can't get this song out of my head: