Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Way it has Been.

What kills motivation the fastest?


Being sick has put a little damper on my exercising, especially because every time I moved I felt like throwing up.  Still don't feel quite like myself but that may be because we stayed up late last night and I'm bone tired.

One thing I am having trouble with is finding time to play piano. Maybe I should be a little more honest and admit that I haven't even tried yet. Wait, I did once, for only 10 minutes and then I was done. I'm worried. I feel like I'm losing interest in the things I love: music and just generally being creative. I use to paint more. I haven't touched my art supplies since we moved eight months ago. I want to, I do. I just, don't. Is this the time in life where you end up just not doing the things you love anymore and just shrug it off as "growing up"? It could be that I'm just lazy, or that I actually have no talent for any of it, or... I just need to try harder.

In any case, I'm trying out my new breadmaker and I hope in a few hours I can drown my sorrows in warm, buttery-bread goodness.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Search for Inner Motivation.

This morning I had thoughts about getting up early and working out (working out = wii fit) but upon waking I discovered I was still tired so I postponed my efforts till before bed. This might seem strange and some might consider it procrastination but I assure you, my motivation is pure. I even just told my husband about it because I know he will in the very least remind me about it later.

This is the terrible part about having goals and lists. The very moment you make them, you start to want to avoid them. They rattle around in your brain and pop up just as you are about to enjoy that seventh chocolate-y goodness square of a Caramilk bar, reminding you that you were only going to have one. Sheesh. All they do is nag at you and nag at you until... well, until you either actually start doing what you said you were going to do or scrap it all and eat an entire tub of ice cream. The worst part about it, is that you can't blame anyone else because that voice nagging you is you. And despite all of our efforts (see facebook, tv, and other distractions) we can never hide from ourselves.

The ice cream tub is a tattle-tale.